Friday, September 9, 2011

new water feature

9th september 2011... We had a massive hail storm yesterday. I love them as long as hail not too big. Did some art on index cards which is a new form of art for me I haven’t done before. Did some feng shui in the library and getting it ready for my new chairs there. I gave most of my doll magazines to the op shop as not so interested in dolls anymore. Went to shopping mall for nice boccocini and spinach and tomato pizza. I bought a water feature of a buddha meditating and it has a lovely sound like a brook. Got a new Sark book on healing and started reading it listening to the sound of water. Very nice. Went to mums for tea and watched the Collectors show and a new talk back program. Forgotten the name of. Caught up on letter writing including a letter to John who is out of phone contact at the moment. Did some cross stitch which I haven’t done in ages as I have been working on my memoirs at mums lately.
lots of love from susan in Australia

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