Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bumping into friends

Thought I’d moved into quiet mode but up at 9 am and feeling like art and gardening so another zippy day which was nice as I got all my gardening done in amidst washing and other housekeeping. Went to local shops to have lunch and bumped into Roxy and Aleesha and we ate together. Roxy wants to do another collage session with us all and I suggested she mention it to Florence as she has the space to do it. I hope we do it again. Went to the library and borrowed a book on simple living which is most interesting for where the future of mankind will need to go to save the planet from overpopulation, over consumption and destruction.I read in the library on my new chairs. So much fun having my new set up in there. I am so blessed. Went to mums and had a pleasant evening chatting and I did my memoirs of my teenage years.
lots of love from susan in australia

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