Friday, December 31, 2010


Dear friends,
I had hoped to keep the gratitudes and simple abundance going but another quiet time has hit and I have crashed again. quite a few people have said how much they miss my daily gratitudes in the groups I belong to. I have apologised. At the moment I am trying to think how to progress forward. I had the theme FLOW for 2010 and need to work with that some more. With my mental illness it is really hard to have goals and objectives as i so often crash and can't fulfill them. Not sure how to progress with this blog. i have been in this situation before. It is New Years day and i am having a home day and sorting out how to progress. any ideas?????
lots of love from susan in australia
PS Maybe this is a good theme for a workshop that I may be doing this year with one of my creative friends leading it

1 comment:

Katja said...

Dear Susan,

I am so sorry to read that the New Year starts for you with a quiet time. You are in my thoughts.

Love from Holland, Katja

Today I am grateful for the aromatic scent from hyacinths that are blossoming in a basket on the window-sill. Is there a tender scent around you?