Saturday, June 2, 2007

Lots of success

I did it ...I went into the city by train and went to the State library and did a guided tour of the library and exhibitions. There is a huge change in relation to my ability to filter information. I find my surroundings in strange places less chaotic and less threatening. i am able to make sense of things. I sat in the train and wasn't overwhelmed by the people around me. I sat and knitted the way I did in the old days. It was comforting having something familiar with me to do. I collected some brochures of other places I can go in the future. I am not sure how often to challenge myself to keep the momentum going. I am so glad I can write and say that I met the challenge.
I saw the psychiatrist on Friday and he is impressed that my moods have been stable now for 11 weeks or more. He is also paying attention to the fact that I am taking the omega 3's and they seem to be making a huge improvement. I got a referral to the sleep disorder clinic and will make an appointment next week. i think it is worth pursueing answers as to why I may be having my erratic sleeping problems. Hopefully something can be done about it. The psychiatrist doesn't know what the problem is nor do other doctors. Mostly I find it hard waking in the morning and getting enough mental sense to be able to get up and begin he day. I am aware that I need to get up and get breakfast etc but the brain just can't connect the thought to action. Quite bizarre. If the phone rings or someone comes to the door I am immediately alert and able to take action. I have asked my mum to phone me each morning but I just went back to bed again and slept not being able to keep myself awake. I will be so interested to know if something can be done. I sure hope so as I would love to be able to travel away for a number of days as my confidence improves.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia

1 comment:

Susan Hosken said...

My sleep problems still continue as I have been up early every day in my zippy mode this time and worse than normal waking at 12.30 am to begin my day. Things could be way worse so i am grateful
lots of love from susan in australia