Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Years Eve 2009

Dear friends,
I have been on the computer for nearly 6 hours. WHere does the time go. I have been emailing and commenting on discussions. I've been doing art in my artist journals. A few phone calls and staying in the cool as it is a hot day outside. I am planning a quiet New Years Eve night. I asked a couple of friends but most want to have a quiet time. Such a change as one gets older. As young people one had to go out and do something. I am glad I have so many happy memories of fire works in the city of Melbourne with all the crowds i couldn't cope with nowadays.
My new years aim is to go with the flow and take God's lead and direction in my life rather than be driven so much by my goals and objectives.
2009 has been a good year but I am in no mood to list all the years achievements as I used to do in the past. I am glad that it has been a good year. I will draw a rune for 2010.....will I draw it now....that would be nice to have it on my blog. I just saw a blog entry for 2006 New year. Meanwhile rune for 2010...the rune of sowelu...wish I could draw it here for is about wholeness and would be wonderful for my mood swings from my mental illness to be smoother and more unified and whole. It also means the sun, the ultimate life force which is in tune with my wish of following divine energy.
lots of love from susan in australia


Anne Westlund said...

Great Rune for 2010! All the best to you in the New Year, Susan.



Susan Hosken said...

I will have new year alone again. even with John it was hard as it was his mums bday