Thursday, January 7, 2010


Dear friends,
I love change in my life and often instigate changes in my routines. At the moment because of knee injuries I can’t do my usual biking and yoga and long walks so I now have more time for art, reading, writing, etc. Do you like change? Do you create it? Why or why not?

Lots of love from susan in australia


Timaree said...

I like change I get to initiate or do. I do not like change my husband decides for us. I think I'm pretty average about this. My daughter's inlaws don't like any change whatsoever so I compare myself to them to decide I am average. Now your knee injuries aren't your choice but if you get to decide what you will do as an alternative to your usual activities it will hopefully not be too dreadful. Hope it heals quickly.

Gabi Greve said...

change comes
right when you need it ...
sit down and rest

All the best for your new life!
Take the knee as your teacher for a while, I am sure it has lots to teach you!

Gabi (a medical doctor among many other things)


MAREBITO said...

I also had many changes in last year. Got laid off and new job, was attracted to Jackie Chan and became his fan, began to study Chinese.....

My fashion was changed, too. It became more "tough-looking". I'm more into wearing in black. Black shirts, jeans, jacket.... I also bought black leather rider's jacket! (It is obviously influence from action movies.)

But now, I really enjoyed this change. I hope you will get many things from the change.

Susan Hosken said...

Marebito, Gabi and freebird...thanks for replying here. it keeps me motivated to keep going with my blog when i get comments. Thanks for popping by. Gabi, my knees are giving me more time to play.
lots of love from susan in australia