Thursday, January 25, 2007


One of my closest friends thinks I'm literally mad believing I can get overseas. I think I'm mad if I don't keep believing I can. My mother always says to keep hopeful....a person should always keep hope. Sometimes I lose hope. I get very caught up in the now of feeling down and get convinced the feelings will last forever. They don't. I'm glad the spirit moves me to being bright and hopeful once again.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia


Brenda Yarborough said...

My husband just gave me a bookmark with these words, "Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible." Keep up your faith and hopeful attitude and you WILL succeed.

Susan Hosken said...

I am giving two little rocks with serenity and hope
on them to a friend who has had an IVF baby. Hope is so important in life and yet I forget it often
lots of love from susan in australia