Thursday, September 17, 2009

A bit more realism

Dear friends,
It is another few weeks since my last up time. I only seem to blog here when I am on an up and zippy. Being really realistic this time though. I always get grand plans for traveling when I am on my ups and even when I am down I wish I could travel but realistically I am more a home body and visit friends in their homes too. My adventures out are usually to the local art galleries and the very occasional outing. I started this blog with high hopes of getting overseas especially to New York but realistically I rarely even get into town to see our own art gallery let alone the MET in NY.
I guess I think traveling is adventurous full of excitement and happenings and daily life isn't that.
I have bought a copy of Julia Camerons artist dates and it is full of little adventures and I have done many of them in my life. I realise that my life is more about the little adventures, the small achievements. Nothing makes me happier than a morning emailing friends and visiting my favourite sites. I also love afternoons visiting my friends and family. I love my daily visit to the same beach. I like my occasional adventures to local motels and places.
i have a very blessed life despite my mental illness.
Today is one of those days I acknowledge that. I have less high hopes and more gratitude today.
how about you?
lots of love from susan in australia


ArtPropelled said...

Susan I admire you so much. I'm not sure I couold cope as well as you in the same situation.

Susan Hosken said...

It is so awesome having Robyn's input. someone so big for me anyway. even if I only have a small circle of influence that is a good thing