Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Positive for nearly a month

I've been feeling positive and even in my mood for nearly a month now. It began when I was coming off an unsuitable medication for moods that caused a lot of down time and sleeping. I was up for a few days and it then continued through the drying out phase of getting off the medication and then I started a new one. I have been up and positive for the longest time been since I was 15 years old. I am 51 now so that is a long time of rapid cycling mood swings and other personality problems. It is just so wonderful to experience what it must be like for the average person progressing through their days. I am not manic or overly up just a nice cruisy, pleasant feeling of well being.
As I said in my last post I have been doing a gratitude journal before going to bed and I go through the day looking for and observing what I am grateful for. I have also been taking omega 3 capsules and of course the new medication. Who knows why the change. I'm just glad it has happened for today.
I had a lovely day today at my friends boat shed which is on the beach and has a seating area and I could sit and watch the waves, people and seagulls and soak up the sun while enjoying a coffee. Just so magical. Building nice memories and lots of gratitudes.
Lots of love from Susan in Australia

1 comment:

Susan Hosken said...

I am so glad I have been doing gratitudes now for years it seems!!! Yes I have been seriously and happily grateful for 8 years now.
lots of love from susan in australia